Monday, August 22, 2011

T-Shirts for Trinity Mission

Ok, I know that I've been MIA for a while now.  I recently moved and now that I have, somewhat, found all of my craft stuff.  My adorable daughter gave me a job!  She is the manager over the kitchen at Trinity Mission and has a staff of about 11.  (I could be wrong)  She needed t-shirts for her employees to wear, so when she started looking for companies to make them, I reminded her that she can always use her mother.  hint hint wink wink  I mean Hello isn't that what children do?

Any way long story short, I completed her order and she took them to work today.  Now for the scary part....will they actually like them....

The front of the t-shirt

The back (obviously)

and again the front with an added bonus of my beautiful daughter, and granddaughter as my models :)  Sorry it's sideways...I thought I had it rotated before I loaded.

The first of many new projects to come!  I plan on making a few more shirts very soon and can't wait to unveil them to everyone!

Thanks for looking!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Sorry it's been a while

Hello, sorry it's been a while between posts.  I feel like I have been neglecting a friend and I don't like it.  I've been moving, plus I've had my laptop stolen about a month ago.  I do plan on getting back on track very soon with my blog and my crafters ADD I have seen several ideas that I would love to try and share with everyone.  Happy crafting and I hope you are all enjoying your summer!  Thanks for looking!